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الرئيسية » 2014 » يوليو July » 22 » I Have Decided To Be Happy Forever
10:33 PM
I Have Decided To Be Happy Forever

I Have Decided To Be Happy Forever

From my point of view: Happiness means a nice feeling such as satisfaction, and it generates a good behavior such as smile. 

Forever means to me: Along my first life (the current one) that will be ended at my death, and along my final life (the future life) that has no end according to what my Creators ,Allah glory to Him, told His messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him.

I think there is no person doesn't want to be happy. Some people, who believe that there is an eternal happiness in the final life, they may think that the happiness in the current life isn't important since it is a temporary life. While some people, who don't believe that there is another life after the death, they take care for a happiness in this current life because they believe that this is the only one chance for them. There are some people , I'm one of those, believe that there is an eternal happiness in the final life and they take care about the happiness of the current life too.

I'm convinced in this belief according to what my Creator said : “Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter).” Reference1: Interpretation of the Meaning of the Qur'an in the English Language, An-Nahl (The Bee), verse 97. Narrated Anas ( one of the messenger's companions) : The most frequent invocation of The Prophet was: O Allah! Give to us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire.” Reference2: Sahih Albukhari, invocations book.

Because there is a difference between this life and the final life (the first one has an end and the second doesn't have so), the happiness of the first life differs about the happiness in the final life. 

Is it possible that I don't believe in the previous logic fact?! 

So, I have decided to be happy in this life by worshiping Allah, purifying my heart and constructing the world. I call my Lord to guide me, accept my deeds and provide me the eternal happiness in the Paradis. Also, I use  messages that remind me my decision such this photo: http://annuha.net/photo/2/1-0-2



1. http://annuha.net/publ/2/1-1-0-2

2. http://annuha.net/publ/3/1-1-0-3


Written by Nuha Alhebshi in December 2012

الفئة: إنجليزية English | مشاهده: 1330 | أضاف: نهى | الترتيب: 0.0/0
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